Course Details

This session will give an understanding of ‘the event’ - whether a sale, merger or acquisition - planning for the event, and the type of deal structures we expect and are currently seeing in the market. 

Supported by case studies, the participants should be able to relate to their size of practice, whether they are a sole practitioner or a ten-partner firm. 

Being well prepared and having an organised Practice before responding to a buyer or proactively seeking an acquisition, is key.

We shall tell you why and how. 

M&A for accounting practices – market update winter 2021

  • Reflections on 2021

Succession planning for accounting practices

  • Why do we need to consider a plan?
  • It will take care of itself at the appropriate time!

Succession options

  • What should an accounting practice be considering?

Preparing your practice, a sale or acquisition

  • Maximise your outcome - or reduce the potential list of interested parties

Accounting Practice Case Studies

 Deal Structures

  • Process
  • Documentation
  • Addressing risk

Valuation and current trends 

CPD Course Speaker

Foulger Underwood Associates Limited

Keith Underwood

A Director of Foulger Underwood, Keith qualified with a central London firm and worked for KPMG in London before taking up senior strategic planning, financial/business development and Managing Director positions in the UK and Asia. Keith has been a non-executive Director of a public company, ran an international company with over 700 staff operating in ten countries and sat on the Board of a number of International network groups in the service sector.

His experience with Foulger Underwood includes instigating and managing many mergers and acquisitions in the professional service sector in UK and Europe. Alongside this, his Consultancy work specifically looks to implement change in business models in the consumer and professional service sectors, to improve market positioning and profitability. Very interested currently in service line consolidators and disruptors seeking to establish new business models in the professional service sector.