VAT on Property and Consumer Services
Category: Tax | Duration: 2hr | Tag: VODSUTXIRE2 | Type: Video | Speaker: Kevin Devenney, Jason Lynch | Date: 26/07/2022 12:00
This course is an opportunity to gain valuable insights in the area of VAT on property and Revenue interventions. With the landscape of VAT on Property being complex and with perhaps minor details causing a major change in the VAT treatment on property, we provide a technical session on VAT on property rules pre and post 1 July 2008.
We also provide an in-depth discussion on Revenue interventions and developments in this area and discuss the changes to the new Revenue Code of Practice effective 1 May 2022. The course will provide attendees with sufficient information to have informed discussions with their clients.
In this session Kevin Devenney & Jason Lynch cover the following:
By purchasing this session, you will attain insights into how to approach VAT on property transactions along with some of the common pitfalls that can arise in relation to certain property transactions.
We aim to provide an insight into the changes with regard to the Revenue code of practice and how this may affect your business and clients.
Kevin Devenney