VAT: How to Complete the VAT3 and RTD (May 24)
Category: Tax | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODIATSIE24D1S5 | Type: Video | Course Level: Intermediate | Speaker: Naomi Butler | Date: 07/05/2024 14:30
In this session we go right back to basics - what is a valid VAT invoice, how to verify a client is eligible for reverse charge basis, self-accounting for VAT, self-supplies for VAT and then move on to how to calculate the VAT for a period. Highlighting if VIES or Intrastat returns need to be considered along with should the client register for the One-Stop-Shop. We look at completing the VAT3 and the annual RTD and how these should then tie into end of year accounts.
In this course Naomi Butler covers the following topics;
Naomi Butler