Course Details

The 4-year Rules – Continues to arise but also some interesting developments

Importance of Advisors – Cases missing the right advice at the right time  Preparation  Proper Books & Records, proper Pre-Appeal Prep etc

VAT– Disorganised not fatal, surprise re. legacy leases etc

CPD Course Speaker

Chartered Tax Consultant

Brendan Twohig

Brendan Twohig is a Chartered Tax Consultant and has been working in the tax sector for over 20 years. He joined the firm in 2006 having previously held key tax positions in both Irish and international firms. In addition to working with clients directly, Brendan also provides support consultancy services to other professional advisors and is a member of various consultancy and liaison groups.

Brendan is also a well known speaker and author on tax issues and regularly makes contributions to both local and national media, as well as to various trade journals.