Time Management for Accountants - Part 1 (Jul 23)
Category: Personal Development | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODUI2328 | Type: Video | Speaker: Des O'Neill | Date: 19/07/2023 14:00
Part 1 of the programme takes a look at the bigger issues surrounding time, our perception of time and some of the common mistakes that people make.
What could you do with an extra half day a week? No matter how busy you are and no matter how many clients you have you can win back a half day a week by being more effective. What would having a half day extra a week make possible and what would you do with it.
We work with firm owners every day and the single biggest challenge we hear that accountants face is time.
• The lack of time.
• The amount of things to be done in the time we have.
• The challenge around getting time to work on our business.
• Having the time to switch off and relax
• The hamster wheel of the never ending to–do list
The following topics are covered by Des O’Neill during part 1 of this series - Changing Your Time Paradigm:
• Identifying the Real Problem - Time is not a 1 dimensional problem
• Priorities V Priority - Finding your ONE Thing
• Creating an Executable Plan
• Energy V Time – Personal Effectiveness & Engagement
• Accountability and Keeping Focus – The Power of Habit
Des O'Neill