Course Details

Any tax adviser involved in preparing personal tax returns is likely to have come across the sometimes unusual tax treatment of income and gains from fund investments. We are often required to carry out a detailed review of what may appear to be a straightforward investment in order to determine the correct tax treatment for our clients. 

The tax treatment of Irish and offshore funds has been updated and changed several times in recent years so all advisers need to ensure that they are kept up to date in this increasingly more relevant area. This presentation will guide attendees through this tricky area in a practical manner so that the information provided can be put to use in the upcoming personal tax return deadline season.


In this session Daragh covers the following topics;

  • Guidance on how to identify what funds are subject to special tax treatment
  • Analysis of the tax treatment of income and gains from different types of investment
  • Details of when unexpected tax liabilities can be triggered on fund investments
  • Tax planning tips for clients with fund investments

CPD Course Speaker

O’Shaughnessy Tax

Daragh O'Shaughnessy

Daragh has provided expert tax advice to a diverse range of Personal and corporate clients, from sole trades to High Net Worth investors and SMEs to Multinationals for 15 years.

Daragh’s CPD lectures and articles view tax issues from a practical perspective that can put to immediate use in attendees’ day-to-day business, as well as using technical analysis for a deeper understanding of the issues.