The People Part in 2023 (Mar 23)
Category: Practice Management | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODUI2308 | Type: Video | Speaker: Des O'Neill | Date: 01/03/2023 14:00
The biggest challenge facing the accounting profession in 2023 is The People Part.
Attracting the People to deliver the service.
Retaining the People we currently have to serve our clients.
Leading the people as we navigate a post COVID world.
Our number 1 customer has become our team, the people who help us serve our customers.
Des O’Neill covers the following key points during this session:
Topic 1: Understanding the Changing Landscape
Topic 2: Retaining the People
Topic 3: Leading the People
Topic 4: Attracting the Right People
Topic 5: A Post Covid World
Topic 6: Leveraging Technology
Des O'Neill