September Fest - ISQM1 - Implementation Guidance
Category: Law & Regulation and Compliance | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODSEFEIRE22D2S7 | Type: Video | Speaker: Elaine Jackson, Colm Owens | Date: 29/09/2022 15:30
This session is relevant to all audit firms who, in accordance with the International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM), must design, implement and operate a system of quality management for audits or reviews of financial statements, or other assurance or related services engagements. With the implementation date of 15 December 2022 fast approaching firms need to get ahead of this as all firms should have a complaint ISQM1 manual in place by the effective date so they can assess its effectiveness 12 months later.
ISQM1 requires firms to move from a compliance based approach to a risk-based one, using a proactive and tailored approach to managing the quality of audit engagements. Firms will now need a proactive response to changing circumstances, proactively managing or mitigating risks, and promoting continual improvement and responsiveness. This will include an increased emphasis on monitoring the system as a whole and timely and effective remediation of issues. Therefore, the importance of the ACR as part of your ISQM1 policies & procedures cannot be emphasised enough not only from a compliance point of view but also from a learning and quality improvement perspective.
As we transition from ISQC1 to ISQM1, the ACR / CFR process will be a key tool to demonstrate your firm’s approach to quality management and overall compliance with ISQM1. As part of the monitoring visit process, all the Institutes will assess and evaluate the standard of the firms ISQM1 together with the effectiveness of its ACR / CFR process.
In this session, Elaine Jackson discussES the following topics:
Elaine Jackson
Colm Owens