M&A Transactions - A Legal Overview for Accountants
Category: Law & Regulation and Compliance | Date: 30/05/2024 11:30 | Duration: 1hr | Tag: WEBIE2434 | Type: Webinar | Speaker: Doireann O'Byrne
Mergers and acquisitions arise frequently in both a private practice and in-house context for accounting professionals and give rise to many complex legal, tax and accounting issues. Doireann O’Byrne will provide an overview of the key legal considerations for such transactions.
The following topics will be covered during this session:
• Asset Sale vs Share Sale – Key Considerations
• Lifecycle of a M&A Transaction
• Heads of Terms
• Due Diligence
• Legal Documents
By attending this session, you will be able to better understand the lifecycle of an M&A transaction, the key considerations for determining the structure of the sale, and have an understanding of the different legal documents and what each achieve in the transaction.
This session will be of particular interest to accountants or any other professionals who are hoping to advise in this area, business owners.
Course Level: Intermediate
Doireann O'Byrne