Course Details

One of the most questions I am asked is how can I receive payments, but not upset my clients?


There are some simple steps to take, but how well do you know your client, how do you you communicate with them, maintain their expectations, and reduce issues, that later delay payments.


In this course Tracey Westell covers the following topics:

  • How do I get paid without upsetting my clients
  • Effective Communication
  • Collection Techniques
  • How to make a successful call 
  • How will working with credit management experts aid you and your clients.

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Pecunia (2016) Limited

Tracey Westell

Tracey has been in credit management for over 29 years, and during this period has gained a wealth of experience in many industry sectors, including blue-chip, public, and private sectors.
Continually endeavouring to assist businesses in implementing strong credit management processes along with training credit staff in the art of credit managements and debt recovery, Tracey has a proven track record of improving the cash flow and profits of businesses.
Having won many business awards, as well as being awarded the CICM Fellowship in 2019 and the Meritorious Service Medal in 2020 meant Tracey is recognised by her peers for her outstanding contribution to credit management.
A keen and passionate advocate of credit management, Tracey shares her passion for helping businesses, through a variety of informative talks and workshops on risk assessment, credit control and debt recovery.
Tracey is also an active member and Vice-Chair of the Kent Branch of the CICM, Area Leader for FSB, Board Member of BITA , Vice Chair of The Doyle Club as well as recently Board Member for TES Ireland.