Course Details

While the IAASA International Standards on Auditing (Ireland) have been with us for some time now, there are new standards and amendments being rolled out on an ongoing basis.  Auditors need to keep up to date with the fundamentals along with the changes introduced.   The ongoing flood of challenges facing auditors never seems to end. Between legislation updates and economic uncertainties continue to provide a difficult environment for the profession. Fraud, financial Reporting disclosures, asset valuations and going concern are still on the agenda for 2025. Therefore, now more than ever, it is essential that auditors now focus on optimising their processes and procedures to ensure profitable implementation of the standards.


Having helped hundreds of firms navigate the auditing and ethical standards over the years the OmniPro technical team is uniquely positioned to identify the enduring problem areas and provide solutions to the most common challenges faced by practitioners. This workshop looks at the theory of the standards blended together with the practical challenges and the requirements to comply with the monitoring expectations of the Institutes.


This workshop will focus on the practical implementation of the auditing and associated ethical standards – from communications, planning and procedures right through to execution, reporting and opinion forming.


Areas covered will include:

Session 7: Going Concern and Opinions;

  • ISA 700 - The Unqualified Audit Opinion
  • ISA 570 - Material Uncertainty Due to Going Concern
  • ISA 706 - Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs & Other Matter Paragraphs & First Time Audits
  • ISA 705 – Modified Opinions; Limitation of Scope, Adverse & Disclaimers of Opinion
  • ISA 701 - Key Audit Matters;
  • ISA 710 – Comparative information
  • ISA 720 – Auditors Responsibility for Other Information.


Session 8: Practical Opinion Forming & Review of Live Audit Reports.

  • Live Audit Opinion Review

Course Level: Advanced

CPD Course Speaker

OmniPro Strategic Solutions

Lindsay Webber

As a head of Strategic Solutions at OmniPro, Lindsay’s focus is on helping practices achieve on-going best practice compliance, providing in-house training and technical assistance in audit and financial reporting.

Lindsay is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Accountants Ireland. She trained with KPMG in Johannesburg and specialised in external audit of financial services companies. She then spent six years lecturing audit and financial reporting to under-grad and post-grad students at Rhodes University in South Africa before moving to Ireland and returning to practice in a small, and then a medium sized firm where she was an audit manager. She is passionate about combining her academic and practice backgrounds to provide technical information in a useful and practical way.

Outside of her accounting qualifications Lindsay holds a PGDiploma in Higher Education from Rhodes University, an MBA from Trinity College Dublin and a Diploma in Forensic Accounting from Chartered Accountants Ireland.