Course Details

This course is relevant to all accountants considering whether they should adopt FRS105 in the preparation of a set of Financial Statements.

By purchasing this course, you will:

  • Gain verifiable CPD in the area of Financial Reporting, 
  • Expand your knowledge of FRS105, 
  • Obtain an insight into the Pros and Cons to applying FRS 105 to your Financial Statements.
  • Discover if applying FRS105 will save your firm time, resources and ultimately increase your profits 

Colm Owens and Elaine Jackson cover the following topics:

  • What is FRS105
  • Key provisions and disclosure requirements
  • The Pro’s of applying FRS105
  • The Cons of applying FRS105
  • Key Considerations; Audits, Groups, Regulated Entities

CPD Course Speaker


Colm Owens

As a member of our Practice Support team, Colm’s focus is on helping practices achieve on-going best practice compliance, prepare for monitoring visits and assist with post-monitoring visits follow-ups.

Having spent the 6 years prior to joining OmniPro as a quality reviewer with Chartered Accountants Ireland Colm has a unique insight into how firms operate, the challenges facing firms and how firms are responding to current issues facing them and the profession.


Elaine Jackson

Today we are joined by Elaine Jackson, Director of Audit and Compliance at Michael Power Accountants, specialising in Audit, Debt Review/Restructuring and Compliance. Michael Power Accountants provide Audit, Accountancy, Tax and Financial Advisory Services to businesses across Munster, operating from our offices in Tipperary Town and Clonmel. Many of you will already know Elaine. Elaine has previously worked with OmniPro as Head of the Accountants Resource Centre and was also a member of OmniPro’s Practice Support team