Course Details

FRS 105 has been a very successful standard in helping companies to minimise the detail that has to be presented in their financial statements.        

However, a number of problems arise when companies have to migrate from the micro regime of reporting under FRS 105 to the smaller entity regime in FRS 102 Section 1A or even full FRS 102. It is important that accountants are aware of the main differences between the two standards as there are no transitional arrangements when switching from one regime to another. 

The key differences discussed in the session are:

  • Investment property, Property, plant and equipment and Intangible assets
  • Development and borrowing costs, Financial instruments and Equity settled share based payment
  • Forward foreign exchange contracts and Deferred tax
  • Defined benefit pension plans and Government grants
  • Live example of ROI and NI micro disclosure


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CPD Course Speaker


Robert Kirk

Robert qualified in first place in 1975 as an Irish Chartered Accountant after graduating in Economics from Queens University. He trained in practice with Price Waterhouse and later worked in industry with a subsidiary of Shell (UK). His teaching career started with Business and Accounting Training (now Griffith College) in Dublin where he taught mainly on the professional examination courses for ICAI, CPA, CIMA and ACCA in Belfast and Dublin.

Robert specialises in the teaching of and research into the development of accounting standards in the United Kingdom. He has published 18 books and numerous articles in both academic and professional journals. His latest publication (co authored with Stephen McNamee) is the second edition of ‘A practical guide to UK and Irish Gaap’ (May 2020) (552pp) published by Chartered Accountants Ireland.