Course Details

This series is a deep-dive into accounting for financial instruments under FRS 102. The course is aimed at the preparers of financial statements who will need to deal with these complex requirements as part of their job. 

The session covers the accounting treatments (and accounting policy options where relevant) and disclosure requirements for financial instruments under FRS 102 and section 1A. The session includes some examples to show how the requirements of FRS 102 are implemented in practice. 

In this session Lindsay Webber and Claire Thomson cover the following:

  • Financial Instruments
  • Derivative instruments
  • Hedging instruments
  • Accounting policy options
  • Disclosure requirements


Grant Thornton

Claire Thomson - Director

Claire is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland and trained with Grant Thornton Ireland. She spent 5.5 years in corporate audit, before moving to the firm’s risk & compliance team, where she spent 6 years supporting the all-Ireland practice as their UK financial reporting subject matter expert.
After a year in OmniPro’s Practice Support team, where she delivered webinars, developed technical content and provided post-monitoring support to firms, she is now with Grant Thornton, based in Northern Ireland, where she is Head of UK Financial Reporting and Accounting Technical, providing UK advice and support to local and international offices

OmniPro Strategic Solutions

Lindsay Webber

As a head of Strategic Solutions at OmniPro, Lindsay’s focus is on helping practices achieve on-going best practice compliance, providing in-house training and technical assistance in audit and financial reporting.

Lindsay is a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Accountants Ireland. She trained with KPMG in Johannesburg and specialised in external audit of financial services companies. She then spent six years lecturing audit and financial reporting to under-grad and post-grad students at Rhodes University in South Africa before moving to Ireland and returning to practice in a small, and then a medium sized firm where she was an audit manager. She is passionate about combining her academic and practice backgrounds to provide technical information in a useful and practical way.

Outside of her accounting qualifications Lindsay holds a PGDiploma in Higher Education from Rhodes University, an MBA from Trinity College Dublin and a Diploma in Forensic Accounting from Chartered Accountants Ireland.