Corporate & Personal Insolvency Update, with Focus on the SCARP
Category: Company Law and Insolvency | Duration: 2hr | Tag: VODIREPRUP222| Type: Video | Speaker: Jim Stafford | Date: 30/11/2022 11:00
Covid and the Ukrainian crisis has presented different threats to clients than those threats from previous recessions. Combined with the impact of Brexit the Advisor needs to be in a position to provide pragmatic advice to clients who are facing insolvency.
Advisors need to be familiar with the new Corporate Rescue mechanism, the Small Company Administrative Rescue Process (“SCARP”).
Advisors also need to be within their comfort zones when advising companies in financial difficulty and need to know what options are available. They also to be up to date with the latest case law when negotiating resolutions for personal insolvency clients.
In this session, Jim Stafford covers the following:
Jim Stafford