Course Details

There are over 300,000 serving and circa 100,000 retired civil and public servants* in Ireland many of whom are clients of accountants as they are also in receipt of unearned income (landlords, ARF downloads or investment income) or concurrently running a small private business.


In this session Brendan Casey will take us through pensions issues affecting the following category areas.


*Gardai, Teachers, HSE. County Council staff, ESB, Prison Officers, Defence Forces, Civil Servants, TDs and Councillors 


Course level: Intermediate

CPD Course Speaker

PRSI Consultancy Ltd

Brendan Casey

Brendan Casey has been practising as a lecturer and a PRSI Consultant since retiring from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection over 10 years ago.

Brendan advises on PRSI liability issues and is an expert on all of Welfare’s contributory benefit and pension schemes.