Charity Law - GDPR and Other Key Issues 2024 (Aug 24)
Category: Law & Regulation and Compliance | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODCHCOIE24S4 | Type: Video | Course Level: Intermediate | Speaker: Mark D Finan | Date: 01/08/2024 13:30
The key objective of this course is to provide an update for attendees on the recent case law involving GDPR and in particular the recovery of damages against Data Controllers.
Auditors employ a risk-based approach using both substantive and analytical procedures to obtain insight into how their clients operate. By the end of the module, attendees will be able to know what evidence ought to be present in how a charity’s data is governed. They will be able to offer key professional advice in relation to managing a key risk for the organization.
Mark D Finan covers the followings topics during this course:
Mark Finan