Course Details

Money laundering is a reality, it is a type of financial crime. The dictionary definition is; “the concealment of the origins of illegally obtained money, typically by means of transfers involving foreign banks or legitimate businesses”. In this session, we discuss the types of money laundering that you as Accountants need to be aware of and the anti – money laundering procedures you need to put in place so that money laundering, if prevalent, is identified and reported.

In this course Elaine Jackson covers the following topics;

  • What is Money Laundering
  • What Procedures should a Firm implement
  • What is the role of the Money Laundering Reporting Officer
  • Reporting Suspicious Transaction

CPD Course Speaker


Elaine Jackson

Today we are joined by Elaine Jackson, Director of Audit and Compliance at Michael Power Accountants, specialising in Audit, Debt Review/Restructuring and Compliance. Michael Power Accountants provide Audit, Accountancy, Tax and Financial Advisory Services to businesses across Munster, operating from our offices in Tipperary Town and Clonmel. Many of you will already know Elaine. Elaine has previously worked with OmniPro as Head of the Accountants Resource Centre and was also a member of OmniPro’s Practice Support team