Overview of the Charities Governance Code
Category: Law & Regulation and Compliance | Duration: 1hr | Tag: VODIRECHCO22S7 | Type: Video | Speaker: Andrew Madden | Date: 18/08/2022 15:30
The Charities Governance Code explains the minimum standards Charity Trustees should meet to effectively manage and control the charity they are responsible for.
This short overview explains the requirements of the code including actions and evidence needed to demonstrate compliance.
The Charities Regulator launched a new Charities Governance Code in late 2018. This Code sets out a minimum standard for governance in Irish charities. All charities in Ireland are required to implement the Code from 2020 onwards and first report to the Regulator in 2021. Professionals who are Charity Trustees or who provide relevant professional services to Charity Trustees may be better able to perform their duties by having a better understanding of the Charities Governance Code.
Andrew Madden