An Accountants Obligation to Report - Money Laundering, Fraud, Theft, etc. 2022
Category: Law Regulation and Compliance | Duration: 2hr | Tag: VODIRETEMI223 | Type: Video | Speaker: Elaine Jackson, Lindsay Webber | Date: 28/11/2022 13:40
In this session, Elaine focusses on the Reporting Obligations of Accountants.
Elaine specifically addresses instances when an Accountant must report a Money Laundering offence, a Fraud offence, a Theft offence, a Tax offence, and Company Law breach. Elaine also briefly discusses an Accountants Obligation to Report instances of non-compliance in relation to certain types of entities and the firm itself!!
No firm wants to have to report their client for any of these types of offences. Sometimes, your client is not aware that the offence they have committed is a serious reportable offence. Therefore, the information you obtain here today can be used to better inform your client of their obligations to comply with the relevant laws and regulations.
In this session Elaine covers the following topics;
- Money Laundering Offences
- Fraud Offences,
- Theft Offences
- Tax Offences
- Company Law breaches
- Non-Compliance
Elaine Jackson
Lindsay Webber