Course Details

In this session, Elaine focusses on the Key Actions your firm can take to Ensure AML Compliance within your firm. 

No firm wants to be used as a tool for money laundering, which is why awareness of money laundering, how it can occur and how to spot the types of people most likely to be involved in money laundering is so important. AML Compliance is about having the right policies, procedures, controls and monitoring in place. AML Compliance is an on-going activity in which all staff should be fully engaged. 

Elaine discusses the following topics;

  • What does being AML Compliant mean?
  • The role of the MLRO,
  • Customer Due Diligence
  • The Review Process
  • Valid Documents 
  • Informing and Educating the Client        

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CPD Course Speaker


Elaine Jackson

As a member of our Practice Support team, Elaine’s focus is on providing firm’s with assistance and training in the following areas; Anti-Money Laundering, Audit Testing and Walk Through Procedures, Audit Planning and Efficiency, OmniPro Audit Working Paper Demos, Preparing for Monitoring Visits and Post Monitoring Visit follow-ups.

Elaine has over 15 years Accountancy Practice experience which has provided her with a wealth of knowledge across all industries and sectors. Elaine is an AITI Chartered Tax Advisor, a Certified Public Accountant and holds a Diploma in Corporate Finance.

In her previous roles, Elaine has experienced a number of ACA and ACCA monitoring reviews. This experience has provided Elaine with a great understanding and appreciation for the challenges facing Accountants in practice today.