CPD Course Speaker

James Bradley & Co.

James Bradley

James is a qualified accountant and tax consultant. He is the principle of his own tax consultancy practice in Cork and deals with clients from all economy sectors and provides professional tax advice under all tax heads to his clients. James has been lecturing for the Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Taxation in Tax for more than ten years and has also set tax exams for both Institutes. James has also been providing continual professional development courses for the Institute of Certified Public Accountants / The Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Institute of Taxation in Tax for 10 years also.


Mairead Hennessy

Mairéad Hennessy has over sixteen years’ experience delivering tax advice in both practice and industry tax roles.

Mairéad is passionate about providing SMEs and their owners with specialized and proactive tax advice. In 2016 Mairéad set up Taxkey as a tax advisory practice specialising in providing bespoke tax solutions on matters such as retirement planning, business succession, corporate group structuring, inheritance tax, property transactions and VAT.

Mairéad represents CCAB-I on TALC (indirect taxes), which is the main forum for making representations between the Irish Revenue and practitioners on tax administration in Ireland. The CCAB-I is the Consultative Committee of Accountancy Bodies of Ireland and is an umbrella group of the Irish accountancy profession.

Grant Thornton

Peter Gibbons

Peter joined Grant Thornton in 2018 with our Corporation Tax team.

Since joining, he has gained significant experience in providing Capital Allowance services and tax advice to a wide range of clients from SME’s to large multinationals.

Peter specializes in advising clients across the tax depreciation and compliance areas. He also has considerable experience in the planning aspects of agricultural reliefs, Transfer Pricing, corporate structuring and other tax issues.

Peter’s experience includes a broad range of sectors including, real estate, agriculture, manufacturing and food & beverages.

He has extensive experience with other innovation reliefs and tax incentives, where he has wide experience on capital allowances reviews, transfer pricing, property tax and capital taxes planning.

Peter is a member of the Irish Taxation Institute (IT).

Grant Thornton

Paul Smith

Paul joined Grant Thornton in 2022 from a Big 4 accountancy firm, where he was a senior manager in their tax innovation and incentives team.

He has over 10 years experience in preparing and defending tax incentives claims.

During that period, he has:

• Advised on over 900 tax incentive claims
• Delivered R&D tax clinics to IRDG members
• Spoken at IRDG Innovation and Funding seminars
• Published in ITI; Accountancy Ireland; and Finance Dublin

He studied science (UCD), and later became a member of the Law Society of Ireland, a member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA), and a member of the Irish Taxation Institute (ITI).


Rory O'Shea

Rory is a Tax Partner in Azets Ireland, Rory has extensive experience in providing tax compliance and advisory services to the firm’s domestic and international clients.

Rory advises on Employment Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS), employee incentivisation and tax planning for SME’s. This includes offering commercially-focused taxation advice in relation to existing shareholders, corporate group reorganisations, due diligences, debt restructuring, and succession planning.

Rory is principally engaged in the provision of tax consultancy advice across all tax heads to a large diverse portfolio of international and domestic corporate clients.

Having been involved in a wide range of tax consultancy projects, Rory has significant expertise in advising our clients across all tax heads. He also has considerable knowledge of Company Law, bringing added value to the taxation advice.

Rory is a member of the Irish Tax Institute (CTA) and holds an Honours Bachelor Degree in Business Studies from the University of Limerick.